Sponsored row for fourdaysforCASPA21

As part of the fourdaysforCASPA21 charity event, PicoMicroYacht, an eleven foot converted Laser Pico, is to row through the waterways of London. I will start at Greenwich,  rowing up the Thames to Brentford, then joining the Paddington branch of the Grand Union Canal, which connects with the Regent Canal, taking me onwards to the Limehouse Basin in East London.

This route includes passing iconic landmarks such as the O2, the Cutty Sark, Tower Bridge, the Boat Race Course, Paddington, London Zoo, Camden Market and the 2012 Olympic Site.

A previous voyage through Tower Bridge

The fourdaysforCASPA21 event takes place over the first May Bank Holiday (30th April to 3rd May), although I will be starting early by going up the Thames to Putney from Greenwich. A truly wonderful eclectic and exuberant group of CASPA fund raisers will be running, cycling, rowing and horse riding for four days, communicating by Zoom and Whatsapp each day to support each other.

The Four Day CASPA fund raisers at a previous event many having run 100 K in four days

CASPA is an amazingly effective charity that provides support for autistic children and young people and their families in and around the Bromley Borough area in South London. Their website has the following statement, which says it all:

'CASPA provides an environment that promotes autism positively, thereby empowering autistic children and young people to be proud of who they are. At CASPA, our members find friends, often something they have never done before.'

see:  https://www.caspabromley.org.uk/

For the sponsored row, there are challenges along the way, such as how to navigate the Hammersmith Bridge, which could fall down and so is closed to river traffic! 

I will also find out how to navigate the 900 metre Islington tunnel and how to camp on PicoMicroYacht and take a shower using a milk carton with holes drilled in the cap.

An account of the journey will be found on:


Look out for PicoMicroYacht on the First May Bank Holiday, somewhere in London

Wish me luck, but most of, if you can do so, please donate to the fantastic CASPA charity to sponsor me, which you can do via the following link:

